Friday 29 August 2008

Homesteader Life: Christian Agrarian Counterculture

Homesteader Life was recommended by Amazing Graze Farm.

Scott Terry was kind enough to drop me a line with a bit more info about his farm, family and blog.

Terry and his family farm about 200 acres, all pasture and grass hay. They milk 40 Jersey cows and are certified organic.

They have countless numbers of free range hens and usually raise meat chickens aswell. They have a hog that eats garden/canning waste and extra milk.

They also grow most of their own vegetables and make maple syrup every spring.

On top of that they raise several steers for beef every year, hunt whitetail deer for meat and and trap fur for extra spending money.

Here's Scott in his own words:

"I'm an organic dairy farmer and homesteader.

I live in the wooded hills of upstate NY with my wife Leah; together we have 3 sons so far, John, Noah and Isaiah. I am a Reformed Christian and an Agrarian.

You might say I'm a cross between R.J. Rushdoony and Wendell Berry :)

Homesteader Life is a blog that advocates a distinctively Christian and Agrarian alternative to the pagan industrial mess that we are now all neck deep in.

The blog is a place to share our our family's journey down this path and discuss farming, economics, biblical Law and anything under the sun with like minded folks."

I've had a good look at Scott's blog, and whilst I don't share his faith, much of what he has to say is fascinating, always well written, provocative, thought-inspiring and practical.

The blog is light on photos (very), heavy on text, but it's consistently interesting.

There is also a tremendous list of useful resources for those interested in the Agrarian movement and homesteading.

I didn't know much about Christian Agrarian counterculture, I'll be frank, but this post, which I'm taking the liberty of quoting in full, pretty much sums it up.

Every so often someone will ask me why Christian Agrarianism is critized so often by other believers.

The answer is simple, we have embarked on the greatest idol smashing campaign this country has seen in some time.

While most of conservative christendom gives lip service to the idea that the bible speaks to every area of life and gives us a blueprint on how we should live, it is always assumes it will be done within the confines of modernist American thinking.

When we wrote against marxism our “conservative” brothers cheered, when we heated up the melting pot and lowered in the golden calf of capitalism…..well, they stopped cheering and called us traitors. Biblical economics is fine, if it is done within the confines of a godless system, you see.

Our crime was to ask if capitalism was biblical in the first place.

Americans have come to love their idols, just as Israel of old. Industrialism, materialism, hyper-specialization, capitalism, rugged individualism, and the messianic state are the untouchable idols of our time. Church is for Sunday and Wendsday, the rest of the week is MINE.

Our approach to building a biblical culture is too basic for the masses these days. They have not, as yet, offered anything but strawman aguements. Their love for mammon and wealth consumes their hearts.

God will not be mocked, however. He will cause our nation to repent or he will dash us to bits with His rod.

We must, as a nation, humble ourselves and submit to King Jesus. It is my prayer that the conversations we have started will lead to a true reformation in the church and a true national repentance.

A Place in the Auvergne

Ian Walthew

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