Friday 8 August 2008

Please occassionaly send me some photos

Anyone listed on Farm Blogs From Around the World is more than welcome to send me some photos from time to time.

This helps drive traffic to your blog (traffic at Farm Blogs From Around the World is growing quite quickly as word spreads).

But most importantly it helps give a sense of the changing seasons and their activities from various farms, homesteads, ranches and smallholdings around the world.

If you do send photos, please send a maximum of 5 (just for time reasons my end). Once a month would be great, more I don't think I can cope with.

If you are listed on Farm Blogs From Around the World, please do make a posting about it, as many of you have, and certainly, if you can find a moment, please also add a link to Farm Blogs From Around the World.

Many thanks.

In the meantime, here are some photos from The Skoog Farm Journal.

Lori writes (6th August, 2008):

Here are the horses in a shot taken this morning.
I have included one of our beautiful summer nights and a sampling of flowers from our many gardens.

She also writes that she is in contact with FOOD, FUN & FARM LIFE IN EAST AFRICA ! and that they are communicating, which is what it's all about isn't it? Great.

The Skoog Farm Journal.

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